Is It Safe to Share Your Bitcoin Address?
Is It Safe to Share Your Bitcoin Address? Before we decide that sharing bitcoin address is compromised or safe, we must understand few important aspects of bitcoin address and its security because this information guides you in deciding whether to share the bitcoin address to anyone or on any website. Bitcoin is the most privileged cryptocoin in the current crypto world. Any bitcoin user can generate bitcoin address without even having an internet connection, and additionally, it is not necessary to register with the bitcoin world network. Thus people can create such address with the help of the software available freely on numerous websites. Technically, a Bitcoin address is a 160-bit hash of the public portion of a public/private ECDSA key pair. Using public-key cryptography, you can “sign” data with your secret private key, and anyone who knows your public key can verify your signature legitimacy. A bitcoin address includes 26-35 alphanumeric chara...