Why Should I Backup My Private Keys?
Why Should I Backup My Private Keys? Before understanding the importance to have a backup of your private keys, you should be aware of the terms public and private keys. These keys are required for cryptocurrency assets transaction. Private Keys vs. Public Keys Anyone can get unauthorized access to the crypto assets with the help of the private keys. Owning the private key means having the full ownership of the crypto assets that belong to a particular address. Just like the way your signature works in for the cheque to authorize a payment that you want to make, similarly, the private key is used to authorize the crypto payment. However, the private key will be invisible to the public and it will be in an encrypted format. The public key is the address for crypto assets. You can disclose the public key to anyone you want to make a transaction with. The way your account number facilitates a depositor to deposit money into your account, your public key address is used here ...